Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer


This Web site is maintained to provide information about the Nothing on this Web site is intended to provide legal or other advice, or to create an attorney client relationship. To be sure that no one misunderstands or misconstrues the general information on this Web site, we provide the following statements.


Our website is not intended to and does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the An attorney-client relationship cannot be formed by reading the information on this website or communicating with the The only way to become the client of a lawyer identified on this Web site is by direct, specific and explicit agreement with that attorney. By providing information on this Web site, neither the nor do we propose any type of transaction.

While some information on this site is about legal issues, it does not constitute legal advice. You should not act or rely on any information contained on this website without seeking the advice of an attorney. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon information contained in this Web site.

Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law, we make no warranty, express or implied, concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. We may revise or update certain materials on this Web site, but there may be some information that is out of date or inaccurate from time to time due to changes in the law.

Some links within our website lead to websites created and maintained by others. Links to other sites are not intended to state or imply that the, sponsor or are affiliated or associated in any way with the information at those other websites. Furthermore, the opinions expressed in materials contained on this website are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of the


Sending us an e-mail message will not make you a client of Any information that you send us in an e-mail message is not confidential or privileged. You should therefore not provide us with any confidential information, whether by letter, e-mail, or telephone.